Monday, August 15, 2011

Consuming Caffeine, good or bad?

Currently, more than 90% of North Americans consume caffeine every day. Central nervous system stimulant is not only affecting the coffee market in a small place, but also a variety of ways to enjoy it.

You can found Caffeine in anywhere, even a cup of tea or a glass of hot chocolate in your kitchen is a source of caffeine. What's more interesting is caffeine can be a mix of prescription drugs or a mixture of painkillers.

About Caffeine

Coffee is one loyal friend when discussing or chatting. Some people say they can not live without coffee. However, some may avoid it because of side effects on health. Although caffeine is a stimulant that is clear, the "facts" about the benefits or dangers of the myth is often foggy.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fruits for Diabetics

People with diabetes must have pretty good care of his food, including sweet fruits. But it does not mean that diabetics should not eat fruit. Here are some pieces are suitable for diabetics.

Diabetics can not eat food carelessly, hence the strict controls required to minimize the adverse impacts that may arise.

People with diabetes should eat foods with low glycemic index, which is under 55. This is to help prevent blood sugar spikes that make diabetes worse.

Easy ways to prevent diabetes

All sweet foods, high in carbohydrates and lazy life hoard of high blood sugar levels trigger diabetes. Diabetes mellitus (DM) or often referred to as diabetes is a serious disease and can not be cured.

Diabetes is a disease that is very serious and could be a risk factor of various dangerous diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Signs of an unhealthy heart

Heart is one of the vital organs that can affect other body parts. There for we need to know five symptoms that could be a sign that the heart is not healthy.

Here are 5 signs that your heart is not healthy, if you have more than 2 of these markers you should contact your doctor for examination :

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cope with migraines

Migraine is a headache that was throbbing on one side with a recurrent attack. The series of attacks can last for 4 hours to three days. The intensity of moderate to severe pain accompanied by nausea.

At the beginning of the attack, vision dizzy, then followed by throbbing head, accompanied by nausea to vomiting. Patients also become very sensitive to light. Migraines usually appear suddenly and periodically.

Tomatoes for the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) easily found in your everyday life. Usually consumed while still fresh without cooking first. Although a bit sour but tastes good and fresh. This plant can be found in loose soil and rich of nutrients to growth optimally.

This plant has a pinnate leaf shape. And star-shaped flowers are yellow, while the fruit is round or slightly flattened depending on the species. In general, tomatoes can be harvested when the plants aged 2-3 months. Tomatoes contain protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, and vitamins (A1, B1, and C). The content is efficacious for the treatment of some disease, such as :

Tomatoes and watermelon to taste, chopped, then juiced. The juice is drunk several times a day.

Seaweed for the prevention of heart disease

Seaweed has been used as a mixture of various foods. From now one, you should frequently eat seaweed because it can prevent heart attacks naturally.

The researchers found the key ingredients in the seaweed plant that could help lower blood pressure. The material is similar to the content that had been prescribed in medication.

In a large study known that seaweed is a rich source of plant protein which are called bioactive peptides. The research is published in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, by analyzing 100 other research.