Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Seaweed for the prevention of heart disease

Seaweed has been used as a mixture of various foods. From now one, you should frequently eat seaweed because it can prevent heart attacks naturally.

The researchers found the key ingredients in the seaweed plant that could help lower blood pressure. The material is similar to the content that had been prescribed in medication.

In a large study known that seaweed is a rich source of plant protein which are called bioactive peptides. The research is published in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, by analyzing 100 other research.

These chemicals have effects similar to ACE inhibitors were widely prescribed as a medicine to help lower blood pressure and prevent heart attacks and strokes.

"Seaweed is also known as algae is a source of healthy ingredients that has not been fully utilized," said Dr. Mary Hayes of the Teagasc Food Research Centre in Dublin, as quoted from Dailymail, Friday (07/22/2011).

Various species of macroalga which can be found easily in the environment could be useful as a source of relatively new bioactive compounds. This requires even greater effort in order to exploit the existing potential in seaweed.

Seaweed is known to very low in calories and some scientists claim these plants can help you lose weight by preventing the absorption of fat. Studies in Japan have recently discovered a particular type of seaweed can lose weight by 10 percent.

These plants are more popular in Japan that is used in miso soup, kombu and nori is dried and used to wrap sushi. But the popularity of this plant in other countries are not too well known.


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