Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cope with migraines

Migraine is a headache that was throbbing on one side with a recurrent attack. The series of attacks can last for 4 hours to three days. The intensity of moderate to severe pain accompanied by nausea.

At the beginning of the attack, vision dizzy, then followed by throbbing head, accompanied by nausea to vomiting. Patients also become very sensitive to light. Migraines usually appear suddenly and periodically.

The cause of migraines is still unknown. One theory predicted, the originator of migraine caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals (serotonin) that causes blood vessels in the head constrict so that supply blood to the brain is interrupted.

Migraine triggers are various. Could be hormonal, the sudden change in air temperature, emotional factors, physical or mental fatigue, even certain foods.

How to Overcome:

Sometimes the migraine will go away once we relax, rest, and moderate exercise. Do this as soon as there are signs of migraine will strike. In addition, if the originators of factors are known, try to avoid it.

If you rely on drugs to combat migraines, early symptoms of patients can take medication that contains Cafergot Ergotamine and caffeine which are functioning to wringkling blood vessels that can relieve pain. Analgesic drugs such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can also reduce pain. If migraine is attacked, decrease the pain with samatriptan.

However, the use of migraine drugs have to be careful because it has a side effect of narrowing the blood vessels so dangerous for people with problems with blood vessels in the heart, diabetes, and high cholesterol. In addition, migraine medications cause drowsiness, fatigue, and nausea.

If migraine is unbearable, see a doctor immediately, who (probably) will inject sumatripen to relieve migraine symptoms within 15 minutes. Other medications will be given according to the case of migraine experienced.

Hopefully migraine won’t disturb your activities.


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