Thursday, July 28, 2011

Easy ways to prevent diabetes

All sweet foods, high in carbohydrates and lazy life hoard of high blood sugar levels trigger diabetes. Diabetes mellitus (DM) or often referred to as diabetes is a serious disease and can not be cured.

Diabetes is a disease that is very serious and could be a risk factor of various dangerous diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

Although most diabetes runs in families, a healthy lifestyle can be an easy way to prevent diabetes.

Here are some easy ways to prevent diabetes, as reported by Healthmad, Tuesday (04/05/2011):

1. Eat whole grains instead of flour
Grain breads and cereals are rich in fiber that can make the body easily keep blood sugar levels. Eat three pieces of wheat bread a day can reduce your risk of diabetes as much as 38 percent.

2. Replace snacks with fruit
Eat three servings of apples, pears or other fruit in a day can reduce your risk of diabetes approximately 31 percent. That was enough to change the pre-diabetes to be a very healthy.

The fruit has a lot of soluble fiber and other insulin controlling compounds. But fruit juice drink made of these fibers will be less than the whole fruit.

3. Turn off the television early
Cutting hours watching television for two hours a day can reduce the risk of weight problems and diabetes by 20 percent.

4. Drinking milk with no fat and high in calcium
Another easy way to stabilize blood sugar is to eat calcium and vitamin D. According to one study, the more nutrients calcium and vitamin D, can prevent the coming of diabetes by 20 percent for the next 20 years.

5. Cook with good fats
Cook using good fats like coconut oil, sesame or olive oil. Daily dose of plant fats may help use glucose by the body properly, so it can reduce the risk of blood sugar problems in women experience at least 22 percent.

6. Drinking coffee or unsweetened tea or with a little sugar
Research from The University of Sydney showed that every cup of coffee you drink one can reduce the risk of diabetes up to 7 percent. Of the six existing studies, it is known that consuming 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day may lower the risk of diabetes up to 36 percent.

But remember, drinking tea or coffee is best with a little sugar, not like most people in Indonesia who used to give too much sugar.

7. Eating nuts or source of magnesium
Almonds, cashews and Brazil nuts are the main source of magnesium which can help reduce the risk of high blood sugar by 31 percent. It can also reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 22 percent lifetime.

If you do not like to eat nuts, you can eat tofu, salmon, halibut, spinach and avocado. These foods are also great sources of magnesium.

8. Get enough rest
Lack of sleep can make the stress hormone cortisol levels soar to 37 percent thus causing insulin resistance and diabetes. Therefore, rest with enough with 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

9. Regular exercise
Besides changing your diet, you must enter a sport or aerobic exercise in your daily routine. Losing weight will also help prevent diabetes.


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