Tuesday, July 26, 2011

High Colesterol

In normal conditions cholesterol is a fat (lipid) produced by the liver and is essential for body functions. Cholesterol is naturally present in cell walls or membranes everywhere in the body, including brain, nerve, muscle, skin, liver, intestines, and heart. Under normal conditions cholesterol also serves as a builder and guardian of the cell membrane, filter incoming molecules and not into the cell, involved in the production of sex hormones, helps produce bile.

But if someone has too much cholesterol in the bloodstream, the excess can be stored in the arteries, including coronary heart, arteries to the brain, and arteries that supply blood to the legs. Ttherefore high cholesterol is not a disease, but people with high colesterol has the potential of developing the disease.

Blockage of arteries in the legs cause claudication (pain while walking) due to peripheral arterial disease. Blockage of the carotid arteries can cause strokes, and blockage of coronary arteries causes angina (chest pain) and heart attacks.

Cholesterol levels in the body can be measured by blood tests. If the blood test results showed the following results:

Total Cholesterol
<200 mg/dl----- - ideal 200-239 mg/dl--- high-risk threshold 240 <-------------- high risk Causes of high cholesterol among others due to heredity, weight, physical activity, age and sex, alcohol, smoking, and mental distress. Signs and Symptoms High cholesterol does not cause specific symptoms. Symptoms occur when high cholesterol triggers such as heart disease, stroke, blood vessel blockage. Prevention Some ways to do the prevention of high cholesterol is to consult a doctor regularly, eat fruits and vegetables are low in cholesterol, getting enough sleep, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes. In short, get used to living well.


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