Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Beware Of Heart Attack

Heart attack (coronary heart) is now not only attacks the elderly but also young people. A heart attack is not coming suddenly before the attack because it appeared already there are signs that conveyed the body.

But these signs are often ignored. In fact, according to research from Midas in Milan, Italy in 2006, nearly 52 percent of patients with coronary heart disease do not experience chest pain or often referred to as silent ischemia.

Reporting from MayoClinic, Saturday (02/05/2011) Coronary heart disease is a disease caused by a narrowing or blockage of coronary arteries, the blood vessels that will drain blood to carry nutrients and oxygen needed to function of heart muscle to pump blood to the whole body.

Human heart pumps blood throughout the body constantly at around 4-5 liters of blood every minute. Therefore, if blood flow is not smooth can cause damage to heart muscle that causes the heart pump disorders (heart failure) and death.

Trigger heart attacks, among others, excessive exercise, Angry which spend a lot of emotional upset or other activities done to excess.

There are at least five heart attack signs to watch out for:

1.Depression (felt overwritten load, pain, pinched and burned), which causes suffocation and strangulation in the neck.
2.The pain may radiate to left arm, neck and back.
3. The pain can last about 15-20 minutes and occur continuously.
4.Arise in a cold sweat, body weakness, palpitations and even fainting.
5.The pain can be reduced when taking a break, but will gain weight if you're on the move.

Some ways you can do to prevent heart attacks such as keeping cholesterol, blood fat levels, keep blood pressure in order to control, stop smoking, avoid fatty foods, living on fruit and vegetable consumption, exercise regularly, lose weight and reduce stress.


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